Heritage Arts at Southport Center
Beautiful Brunswick County is home to an expanding community of studio-based, creative artisans — reflecting the role of the arts, entertainment and tourism in the economic development of North Carolina. Trending increasingly towards the arts over the last four decades, quaint coastal Southport supports your creativity. It is an exhilarating time and we invite you to join us for arts and crafts classes at the Brunswick Community College Southport Center.
To schedule a site tour, please contact Janice Shivetts by phone at (910) 755-7380 or by email at shivettsj@brunswickcc.edu.
Registering for Classes
With dozens of courses (see below), we have something for everyone. Take a look and register for your favorites today. Simply click on the REGISTER ONLINE button below and enter the course name in the Search field for course dates, times, and locations.
You may also view the latest PATHWAYS catalog (see link on right). For more information or to inquire about other courses, contact Janice Shivetts at shivettsj@brunwickcc.edu.